Have you ever dreamt of having one in your bedroom? The cozy, comfy look, so you think. Think again... maybe read the article cited above.
I had comforter when I was living in US. Just a normal comforter that you could get at Walmart or any other departmental stores. I studied in a place where winter could be 4 to 6 months long (I love the cold, by the way), and spring and fall (autumn) could be just a blink. Summer? Depends, could be hot like the oven; or cool like fall. Comforter was needed for winter and most days of spring - when you had snow storm here and there. My roommate then had her comforter sent from Japan, even cozier with the feathers. We needed the comforter because some nights the temperature could drop below 0oF and the central heater in the room was not warm enough. Comforter would let you stay asleep through the nights.
But when I'm back to Asia, living in a hot and humid country like Malaysia, unless I have a air-conditional room that blasts the cold air 24 hours, I don't see the need of having the comforter. It's hot! >_< And I might need a bigger washing machine to wash it, or send for laundry service. A simple towel-like blanket (oh, my favourite!!) or a coverlet or a Suzani (as suggested in the article) might give your room the cozy and, more importantly, the aesthetic look.
Picture taken from this site: http://www.thisnext.com/item/BEC0ABFF/5E21D8BD/madera-in-moss-coverlet |
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